The Indian Music industry is on the uprising, however is losing big time points on the delays of the artists albums that are coming out. Indian Music record labels do press releases way in advance for hyping up projects and albums, and by the time the album comes out, it is like 2 years past the original press release date, and the hype of the album has all ready been killed and is over.
Moviebox UK is one of the largest record labels in the Indian Music industry, and is one of the violators of the Indian Music album delays. Case in point, Bally Jagpal & Bhota Jagpal's B21 album, of them two together, has been press released over and over again, and it has been at least 3-4 years of waiting, hearing new material, and then this material gets discarded. Bally Jagpal and Bhota Jagpal are one of the pioneer producers in the Indian Music industry, and deserve the album be released on time and marketed properly. Personally, I am a huge B21 fan of both Bally & Bhota and look forward to their release, although I have waited enough.
Albums should be given press release time with ample marketing opportunity, ONLY & ONLY IF AND when the album has been completed or is close to being completed and near its launch/release date.
Let's bind together, and hope and pray for on time releases in the Indian Music industry...