AAAAAAAAAArrrrrrrrrrrggggggggghhhhhhhhh! Exactly, you guessed it, both albums have been further delayed! This is now just taking the piss out of the world wide fans in the Indian Music industry. Tigerstyle's album - Mystics, Martyrs & Maharajas is now delayed until the end of the first week of November 2008, I think!!! There is no exact date given as of yet for the delayed date! We all have been waiting for this album for ages, come on record label, do not let us down... Panjabi MC's Indian Timing album is now delayed until November 17th, 2008, since I have ordered directly from Panjabi MC himself. However, for his album delay, he is throwing the pre-ordered albums some freebies, hopefully a t-shirt or so and some mixes etc... Looking forward to the freebies and the extras.
Panjabi MC's album title hold truth to the Indian Music industry -- Indian Timing, which is never on time, and is hell bent over and taking the piss out of Indian music fans worldwide!
Anyways, just thought I would fill you all in. Until I receive my copies of both these albums, I will do an updated post letting you all know of the albums!