I have been away from my blog for a few days due to my cousin's wedding in Calgary this past weekend. Boy, did we dance, party, and drink to the Indian Music! The weather did us good as well, as it was in the mid twenties.
A few of my cousin's best mates, and my mates as well, did an unbeleivable dance number to a variety of mixed Indian Music songs, and they tore the dance floor up into pieces! This dance number was one of the best I have ever seen! From that point on, there was no stopping. Actually, in fact, the reception party ended at 2am in the morning. The dance number that got us rocked, smashed, and dancing was of course, Jazzy B.'s Rambo track. Kuriyaan ne naam tera rakheya...Rambo Rambo!
Calgary is much as an Indian Music dance craze as Vancouver is. I witnessed it this past weekend in front of my eyes.
Anyways, the reason I went to Calgary was for my cousin's wedding, so big shout out to Sonu & Jas! Congratulations once again!!!
Rambo Rambo!