Miss Pooja (stagename), originally named Gurinder Kainth, is a very popular female artist/singer in the Indian Music industry. She is from India, from the District of Patiala, the same area/region as Pammi Bhai. Miss Pooja hit it big in the year 2007, and she has not looked back. Although she has revived the duet songs field in Indian Music, I had the opportunity to meet and greet her and see her live performance last year with my Uncle. My Uncle WAS the biggest Miss Pooja fan alive. Guaranteed! That is until she performed live on stage. She is one of the weakest live stage singers in the Indian Music era. However, since she is featured in every 3rd album that releases in the Indian Music industry, she is very big and well known. She does not do any stage performances in India, since she is busy recording in the studio and shooting her videos with many other artists. She only does live stage shows in the rest of the world. She is demanding 3 lakhs rupees per album (equivalent to $7500). This album will feature her minimally in one song, or up to 3-4, depending on the artist she chooses to work with (which hs her working with everyone these days). And those are not full tracks, they are the female duet portions. People are doling out the cash to Miss Pooja due to the fact that she has the biggest fan base in the world and in the Indian Music industry. She has now released over 100+ albums in a span of less than 2 years! This is huge, and is huge in her pockets financially wise. Her lyrics are from Karamjit Puri, who is infamous for duet tracks/lyrics. Her track with fellow artist Geeta Zaildar, Seeti, has been an instant hit and is still a hit worldwide! It plays everytime on the party floor whether it be a function, birthday, reception or anything else. Petrol has been another smashing success.
However, with her performing with every artist and featuring in every album to date that is being released, her fame will only last a little while and will be known as 'whoring' the Indian Music industry!
Miss Pooja - The Queen of Indian Music? I don't think so, and time will tell this!