Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Indian Music Albums now featuring more tracks than ever before
The trend these days has been that Indian Music albums are now featuring more abundant songs/tracks on each album compared to about 2 years back and beyond. I guess piracy and illegal mp3 downloads has had big effect on music that instead of the usual 6 track EP, the albums are now at least 8 tracks in length and as high as 14-15 tracks per album. I honestly think this is the trend we need to go on, since the normal buyer, who doles out around $10 or 10 pounds UK for an album, does want his/her money's worth of course. With 6 tracks, its not really worth the fan or the buyer paying for the album. With at least an 8 tracker album, it is sure as hell worth it. The Indian Music industry has learned from its mistakes, as the record labels were ripping off the buyers and telling them that piracy and illegal downloads are the wrong choice to get your music. What was the average buyer going to do, of course they were going to download?! That is why the sales reduced, however, are starting to pick up to par these days. Having a variety of abundant tracks/songs makes it worthwhile to make the music and listen to it.