Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Piracy hurting Indian Music sales worldwide

Piracy has been the biggest barricade in Indian Music since the year 2000. This piracy includes illegal mp3 downloads on the internet via the world wide web. What happened to the good old days when everyone including myself used to buy their music. With the ever changing technology and the internet, people are now getting their music for free and have no respect for artists and labels in this industry. I do agree that Indian Music has lagged behind other music genres in regards to budgets on albums and music videos, however, it is our responsibility as fans to support the artists in their achievements and hard work. Music production is no simple matter, it is a hobby due to the fact that although it can become a career, piracy does not allow this to happen.

I can speak for myself, although the internet and the world wide web is a pro in itself as it can act as a pre-teaser for music fans in Indian Music or any other genre of music. I can say this as I download the albums, and listen to each and every track carefully, and then go out to the local store and buy the album on CD. I use the downloads to test my taste of preference of music, and then support the artist and the label. If we do not support the artist or we do not purchase our music, then the music producer will not get the budget from the recording label to make a decent release. Thus it is essential to purchase the music we like and enjoy listening to.

Hopefully fans in the Indian Music industry realise this and start supporting the artists. Now is the time to support the industry since it is on a very high level of appreciation worldwide.